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Jaun Elia Ghazal: umr guzregi imtihan mein kya

 Jaun Elia Ghazal: "umr guzregi imtihan mein kya" with English Translation 

umr guzregī imtihān meñ kyā
"Lifelong will pass in trials, what then?"
(umr – life, imtihān – trials/examinations)

daaġh hī deñge mujh ko daan meñ kyā
"Will they only grant me scars as charity?"
(daaġh – scars, daan – charity/alms)

merī har baat be-asar hī rahī
"My every word remained ineffective."
(be-asar – ineffective)

nuqs hai kuchh mire bayān meñ kyā
"Is there some flaw in my expression?"
(nuqs – flaw/defect, bayān – expression)

mujh ko to koī Toktā bhī nahīñ
"No one even stops me anymore."
(Toknā – to stop/intervene)

yahī hotā hai ḳhāndān meñ kyā
"Is this how it always is in the family?"
(ḳhāndān – family)

apnī mahrūmiyāñ chhupāte haiñ
"We hide our deprivations."
(mahrūmiyāñ – deprivations)

ham ġharīboñ kī ān-bān meñ kyā
"In the pride and honor of us poor ones."
(ān-bān – pride and dignity)

ḳhud ko jaanā judā zamāne se
"I thought myself separate from the world."
(judā – separate, zamāna – the world)

aa gayā thā mire gumān meñ kyā
"Had such thoughts come to my mind before?"
(gumān – thought/suspicion)

shaam hī se dukān-e-dīd hai band
"Since evening, the shop of vision is closed."
(dukān-e-dīd – metaphor for longing to see someone)

nahīñ nuqsān tak dukān meñ kyā
"Was there even any loss in the shop?"
(nuqsān – loss)

ai mire sub.h-o-shām-e-dil kī shafaq
"O twilight of my heart's mornings and evenings."
(sub.h – morning, shām – evening, shafaq – twilight)

tū nahātī hai ab bhī baan meñ kyā
"Do you still bathe in the stream?"
(baan – stream)

bolte kyuuñ nahīñ mire haq meñ
"Why don’t you speak in my favor?"
(haq – right/favor)

aable paḌ ga.e zabān meñ kyā
"Have blisters formed on your tongue?"
(aable – blisters, zabān – tongue)

ḳhāmushī kah rahī hai kaan meñ kyā
"Is silence whispering something in my ears?"
(ḳhāmushī – silence, kaan – ears)

aa rahā hai mire gumān meñ kyā
"Is something entering my thoughts?"
(gumān – thoughts)

dil ki aate haiñ jis ko dhyān bahut
"The one who cares a lot for the heart."
(dhyān – attention)

ḳhud bhī aatā hai apne dhyān meñ kyā
"Does he ever think about himself?"

vo mile to ye pūchhnā hai mujhe
"If I meet him, I have to ask this."
(mujhe – to me)

ab bhī huuñ maiñ tirī amaan meñ kyā
"Am I still under your protection?"
(amaan – protection/sanctuary)

yuuñ jo taktā hai āsmān ko tū
"The way you stare at the sky."
(āsmān – sky)

koī rahtā hai āsmān meñ kyā
"Is someone living in the sky?"
(rahtā – lives)

hai nasīm-e-bahār gard-ālūd
"The spring breeze is full of dust."
(nasīm-e-bahār – spring breeze, gard-ālūd – dust-filled)

ḳhaak uḌtī hai us makān meñ kyā
"Does dust rise in that house?"
(ḳhaak – dust, makān – house)

ye mujhe chain kyuuñ nahīñ paḌtā
"Why can’t I find peace?"
(chain – peace)

ek hī shaḳhs thā jahān meñ kyā
"Was there only one person in this world?"
(shaḳhs – person, jahān – world)

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